sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2008


Abdominea, Acacallis, Acampe, Acanthephippium, Aceras, Aceratorchis, Acianthus, Acineta, Ackermania, Acoridium, Acostaea, Acriopsis, Acrochaene, Acrolophia, Acrorchis, Ada, Adenochilus, Adenoncos, Adrorhizon, Aerangis, Aeranthes, Aerides, Aganisia, Aglossorrhyncha, Agrostophyllum, Alamania, Altensteinia, Amblyanthe, Ambrella, Amerorchis, Amesiella, Amitostigma, Amparoa, Anacamptis, Ancistrochilus, Ancistrorhynchus, Androcorys, Angraecopsis, Angraecum, Anguloa, Anoectochilus, Ansellia, Anteriorchis, Anthogonium, Anthosiphon, Antillanorchis, Aorchis, Aphyllorchis, Aplectrum, Aporostylis, Aporum, Apostasia, Appendicula, Aracamunia, Arachnis, Archineottia, Arethusa, Armodorum, Arnottia, Arpophyllum, Arthrochilus, Artorima, Arundina, Ascidieria, Ascocentrum, Ascochilopsis, Ascochilus, Ascoglossum, Ascolabium, Aspasia, Aspidogyne, Aulosepalum, Auxopus, Baptistonia, Barbosella, Barbrodria, Barkeria, Barlia, Bartholina, Basigyne, Basiphyllaea, Baskervilla, Batemannia, Beclardia, Beloglottis, Benthamia, Benzingia, Biermannia, Bifrenaria, Binotia, Bipinnula, Bletia, Bletilla, Bogoria, Bolbidium, Bollea, Bolusiella, Bonatea, Bonniera, Brachionidium, Brachtia, Brachycorythis, Brachypeza, Brachystele, Bracisepalum, Braemia, Brassavola, Brassia, Briegeria, Bromheadia, Broughtonia, Brownleea, Buchtienia, Bulbophyllum, Bulleyia, Burnettia, Burnsbaloghia, Cadetia, Caladenia, Calanthe, Caleana, Callostylis, Calochilus, Calopogon, Caluera, Calymmanthera, Calypso, Calyptrochilum, Campanulorchis, Campylocentrum, Capanemia, Cardiochilus, Catasetum, Cattleya, Cattleyopsis, Caucaea, Caularthron, Centroglossa, Centrostigma, Cephalanthera, Cephalantheropsis, Ceratandra, Ceratocentron, Ceratochilus, Ceratostylis, Chamaeangis, Chamaeanthus, Chamaegastrodia, Chamelophyton, Chamorchis, Changnienia, Chaseella, Chaubardia, Chaubardiella, Chauliodon, Cheiradenia, Cheirostylis, Chelonistele, Chiloglottis, Chilopogon, Chiloschista, Chitonanthera, Chitonochilus, Chloraea, Chondradenia, Chondrorhyncha, Chroniochilus, Chrysocycnis, Chrysoglossum, Chusua, Chysis, Chytroglossa, Cirrhaea, Cirrhopetalum, Cischweinfia, Claderia, Cleisocentron, Cleisomeria, Cleisostoma, Cleistes, Clematepistephium, Clowesia, Coccineorchis, Cochleanthes, Cochlioda, Cocleorchis, Codonorchis, Codonosiphon, Coelia, Coeliopsis, Coeloglossum, Coelogyne, Coilochilus, Collabium, Comparettia, Comperia, Conchidium, Condylago, Constantia, Corallorrhiza, Cordiglottis, Coryanthes, Corybas, Corycium, Corymborkis, Corysanthes, Cottonia, Cotylolabium, Cranichis, Cremastra, Cribbia, Crossoglossa, Cryptarrhena, Cryptocentrum, Cryptochilus, Cryptopus, Cryptopylos, Cryptostylis, Cuitlauzina, Cyanaeorchis, Cybebus, Cyclopogon, Cycnoches, Cylindrolobus, Cymbidiella, Cymbidium, Cymboglossum, Cynorkis, Cyphochilus, Cypholoron, Cyrtidiorchis, Cyrtopodium, Cyrtorchis, Cyrtosia, Cyrtostylis, Cystorchis, Dactylorhiza, Dactylorhynchus, Dactylostalix, Degranvillea, Deiregyne, Dendrobium, Dendrochilum, Dendrophylax, Diadenium, Diaphananthe, Diceratostele, Dicerostylis, Dichaea, Dichromanthus, Dickasonia, Dictyophyllaria, Didiciea, Didymoplexiella, Didymoplexis, Diglyphosa, Dignathe, Dilochia, Dilochiopsis, Dilomilis, Dimerandra, Dimorphorchis, Dinema, Dinklageella, Diothonea, Diphylax, Diplandrorchis, Diplocaulobium, Diplocentrum, Diplolabellum, Diplomeris, Diploprora, Dipodium, Dipteranthus, Dipterostele, Disa, Discyphus, Disperis, Distylodon, Dithyridanthus, Diuris, Dockrillia, Dodsonia, Dolichocentrum, Domingoa, Doritis, Dossinia, Dracula, Drakaea, Dresslerella, Dressleria, Dryadella, Dryadorchis, Drymoanthus, Drymoda, Duckeella, Dunstervillea, Dyakia, Earina, Eggelingia, Eleorchis, Elleanthus, Eloyella, Eltroplectris, Elythranthera, Embreea, Encyclia, Entomophobia, Eparmatostigma, Ephippianthus, Epiblastus, Epiblema, Epicranthes, Epidanthus, Epidendrum, Epigeneium, Epilyna, Epipactis, Epipogium, Epistephium, Eria, Eriaxis, Eriochilus, Eriodes, Eriopexis, Eriopsis, Erycina, Erythrodes, Erythrorchis, Esmeralda, Euanthe, Eucosia, Eulophia, Eulophiella, Euphlebium, Eurycentrum, Eurychone, Eurystyles, Evotella, Fernandezia, Ferruminaria, Fimbriella, Flickingeria, Frondaria, Fuertesiella, Funkiella, Galeandra, Galearis, Galeola, Galeottia, Galeottiella, Garaya, Gastrochilus, Gastrodia, Gastrorchis, Gavilea, Geesinkorchis, Gennaria, Genoplesium, Genyorchis, Geoblasta, Geodorum, Glomera, Glossodia, Glossorhyncha, Gomesa, Gomphichis, Gonatostylis, Gongora, Goniochilus, Goodyera, Govenia, Gracielanthus, Grammangis, Grammatophyllum, Graphorkis, Grastidium, Greenwoodia, Grobya, Grosourdya, Gularia, Gunnarella, Gunnarorchis, Gymnadenia, Gymnadeniopsis, Gymnochilus, Gynoglottis, Habenaria, Hagsatera, Hammarbya, Hancockia, Hapalochilus, Hapalorchis, Harrisella, Hederorkis, Helcia, Helleriella, Helonoma, Hemipilia, Herminium, Herpetophytum, Herpysma, Herschelianthe, Hetaeria, Heterozeuxine, Hexalectris, Hexisea, Himantoglossum, Hintonella, Hippeophyllum, Hirtzia, Hispaniella, Hoehneella, Hofmeisterella, Holcoglossum, Holopogon, Holothrix, Homalopetalum, Horichia, Hormidium, Horvatia, Houlletia, Huntleya, Huttonaea, Hybochilus, Hygrochilus, Hylophila, Hymenorchis, Imerinaea, Inobulbon, Ione, Ionopsis, Ipsea, Isabelia, Ischnocentrum, Ischnogyne, Isochilus, Isotria, Jacquiniella, Jejosephia, Jumellea, Kalimpongia, Kefersteinia, Kegeliella, Kerigomnia, Kinetochilus, Kingidium, Kionophyton, Koellensteinia, Konantzia, Kreodanthus, Kryptostoma, Kuhlhasseltia, Lacaena, Laelia, Laeliocattleya, Laeliopsis, Lanium, Lankesterella, Leaoa, Lecanorchis, Lemboglossum, Lemurella, Lemurorchis, Leochilus, Lepanthes, Lepanthopsis, Lepidogyne, Leporella, Leptotes, Lesliea, Leucohyle, Ligeophila, Limodorum, Liparis, Listera, Listrostachys, Lockhartia, Loefgrenianthus, Ludisia, Lueddemannia, Luisia, Lycaste, Lycomormium, Lyperanthus, Lyroglossa, Macodes, Macradenia, Macroclinium, Macropodanthus, Malaxis, Malleola, Manniella, Margelliantha, Masdevallia, Mastigion, Maxillaria, Mediocalcar, Megalorchis, Megalotus, Megastylis, Meiracyllium, Mendoncella, Mesadenella, Mesadenus, Mesoglossum, Mesospinidium, Mexicoa, Microcoelia, Micropera, Microphytanthe, Microsaccus, Microtatorchis, Microthelys, Microtis, Miltonia, Miltoniopsis, Mischobulbum, Mobilabium, Moerenhoutia, Monadenia, Monanthos, Monomeria, Monophyllorchis, Monosepalum, Mormodes, Mormolyca, Mycaranthes, Myoxanthus, Myrmechis, Myrmecophila, Myrosmodes, Mystacidium, Nabaluia, Nageliella, Neobathiea, Neobenthamia, Neobolusia, Neoclemensia, Neocogniauxia, Neodryas, Neoescobaria, Neofinetia, Neogardneria, Neogyna, Neomoorea, Neotinea, Neottia, Neottianthe, Neowilliamsia, Nephelaphyllum, Nephrangis, Nervilia, Neuwiedia, Nidema, Nigritella, Nothodoritis, Nothostele, Notylia, Oberonia, Octarrhena, Octomeria, Odontochilus, Odontoglossum, Odontorrhynchus, Oeceoclades, Oeonia, Oeoniella, Oerstedella, Olgasis, Oligophyton, Oliveriana, Omoea, Oncidium, Ophidion, Ophrys, Orchipedum, Orchis, Oreorchis, Orestias, Orleanesia, Ornithocephalus, Ornithochilus, Ornithophora, Orthoceras, Osmoglossum, Ossiculum, Osyricera, Otochilus, Otoglossum, Otostylis, Pabstia, Pachites, Pachyphyllum, Pachyplectron, Pachystele, Pachystoma, Palmorchis, Palumbina, Panisea, Pantlingia, Paphinia, Papilionanthe, Papillilabium, Papperitzia, Papuaea, Paradisanthus, Paraphalaenopsis, Parapteroceras, Pecteilis, Pedilochilus, Pedilonum, Pelatantheria, Pelexia, Pennilabium, Peristeranthus, Peristeria, Peristylus, Pescatoria, Phaius, Phalaenopsis, Pholidota, Phragmorchis, Phreatia, Phymatidium, Physoceras, Physogyne, Pilophyllum, Pinelia, Piperia, Pityphyllum, Platanthera, Platycoryne, Platyglottis, Platylepis, Platyrhiza, Platystele, Platythelys, Plectorrhiza, Plectrelminthus, Plectrophora, Pleione, Pleurothallis, Pleurothallopsis, Plocoglottis, Poaephyllum, Podangis, Podochilus, Pogonia, Pogoniopsis, Polycycnis, Polyotidium, Polyradicion, Polystachya, Pomatocalpa, Ponera, Ponerorchis, Ponthieva, Porolabium, Porpax, Porphyrodesme, Porphyroglottis, Porphyrostachys, Porroglossum, Porrorhachis, Prasophyllum, Prescottia, Pristiglottis, Promenaea, Protoceras, Pseudacoridium, Pseuderia, Pseudocentrum, Pseudocranichis, Pseudoeurystyles, Pseudogoodyera, Pseudolaelia, Pseudorchis, Pseudovanilla, Psilochilus, Psychilis, Psychopsiella, Psychopsis, Psygmorchis, Pterichis, Pteroceras, Pteroglossa, Pteroglossaspis, Pterostemma, Pterostylis, Pterygodium, Pygmaeorchis, Pyrorchis, Quekettia, Quisqueya, Rangaeris, Rauhiella, Raycadenco, Reichenbachanthus, Renanthera, Renantherella, Restrepia, Restrepiella, Restrepiopsis, Rhaesteria, Rhamphorhynchus, Rhinerrhiza, Rhizanthella, Rhynchogyna, Rhyncholaelia, Rhynchophreatia, Rhynchostele, Rhynchostylis, Rhytionanthos, Ridleyella, Rimacola, Risleya, Robiquetia, Rodriguezia, Rodrigueziella, Rodrigueziopsis, Roeperocharis, Rossioglossum, Rudolfiella, Rusbyella, Saccoglossum, Saccolabiopsis, Saccolabium, Sacoila, Salpistele, Sanderella, Sarcanthopsis, Sarcochilus, Sarcoglottis, Sarcoglyphis, Sarcophyton, Sarcostoma, Satyridium, Satyrium, Saundersia, Sauroglossum, Scaphosepalum, Scaphyglottis, Scelochiloides, Scelochilus, Schiedeella, Schistotylus, Schizochilus, Schizodium, Schlimmia, Schoenorchis, Schomburgkia, Schwartzkopffia, Scuticaria, Sedirea, Seidenfadenia, Sepalosiphon, Serapias, Sertifera, Sievekingia, Sigmatostalix, Silvorchis, Sinorchis, Sirhookera, Skeptrostachys, Smithorchis, Smithsonia, Smitinandia, Sobennikoffia, Sobralia, Solenangis, Solenidiopsis, Solenidium, Solenocentrum, Sophronitella, Sophronitis, Soterosanthus, Spathoglottis, Sphyrarhynchus, Sphyrastylis, Spiculaea, Spiranthes, Stalkya, Stanhopea, Staurochilus, Stelis, Stellilabium, Stenia, Stenocoryne, Stenoglottis, Stenoptera, Stenorrhynchos, Stephanothelys, Stereochilus, Stereosandra, Steveniella, Stictophyllum, Stigmatosema, Stolzia, Suarezia, Summerhayesia, Sunipia, Sutrina, Svenkoeltzia, Symphyglossum, Synanthes, Synarmosepalum, Systeloglossum, Taeniophyllum, Taeniorrhiza, Tainia, Tangtsinia, Tapeinoglossum, Taprobanea, Telipogon, Tetragamestus, Tetramicra, Teuscheria, Thaia, Thecopus, Thecostele, Thelasis, Thelychiton, Thelymitra, Thelyschista, Thrixspermum, Thulinia, Thunia, Thysanoglossa, Ticoglossum, Tipularia, Tolumnia, Townsonia, Trachyrhizum, Traunsteinera, Trevoria, Trias, Triceratorhynchus, Trichocentrum, Trichoceros, Trichoglottis, Trichopilia, Trichosalpinx, Trichosma, Trichotosia, Tridactyle, Trigonidium, Triphora, Trisetella, Trizeuxis, Tropidia, Trudelia, Tsaiorchis, Tuberolabium, Tubilabium, Tulotis, Tylostigma, Uleiorchis, Uncifera, Urostachya, Vanda, Vandopsis, Vanilla, Vargasiella, Vasqueziella, Ventricularia, Vesicisepalum, Vexillabium, Vrydagzynea, Wallnoeferia, Warmingia, Warrea, Warreella, Warreopsis, Warscaea, Wullschlaegelia, Xenikophyton, Xerorchis, Xiphosium, Xylobium, Yoania, Ypsilopus, Zeuxine, Zootrophion, Zygopetalum, Zygosepalum, Zygostates.
Desculpem mas eu fui embalado por tanto nome de orquídeas que até deu nisto.....lol

158 comentários:

Espaço do João disse...

Mas que paciência e bom gosto. Desse lado não esperava outra coisa depois de ver in-loco as belezas existêntes em sua casa. Enviei por e-mail algumas fotos tiradas pelo Gui. Estão algumas um pouco tremidas mas, que se esperava mais daquele talento? Ele passou a chamá-lo de tio Nélio e à Anete de tia. Um grande abraço e cumprimentos à simpática família. João

Helena disse...

Até me assustei:). Podem ter todos esses nomes mas valem por toda a beleza.

Beijos e bom FDS.

amigona avó e a neta princesa disse...

Credo Nélio, até fiquei zonza!!! mas as fotos são uma maravilha!!! Muitos parabéns!...Beijo e boa semana...

Rose disse...


Rose disse...

em tempo.
Quando é que vc vai me passar seu e-mail????????

Nelio disse...

Amigo João obrigado já vi as fotos um abraço ao meu sobrinho Gui......A família agradece e retribui......abração para vocês....

Goddess Night:Pois é amiga cada nomezinho desses é uma bela orquídea,um espanto....Beijinhos e boa semaninha.....

Amigona:hahahahaha obrigado amiga boa semana também para si e sua neta....

Rose:não me chateava nada ter uma mudinha de cada mas,bem teria que ter uma ilha inteira só para me dedicar á coisa a sério.......lol
Haaaaaa é verdade eu ia ter de contratar ajudantes .....beijinho também para si....meu mail é este: linofreitas00@hotmail.com

Crassula disse...

Lindas orquídeas! adorei a ideia dalista corrida dos nomes...fica altamente gráfico...vou fazer parecido no meu lol! :) bjs

Nelio disse...

Crassula: Obrigado agora tenho que fazer mas com cactos....lol

Sandra Gaspar disse...

Olá Nélio

quero dizer que adoro teu blog.. principalmente porque sou uma amante incondicional das Orquideas!
Obrigada por partilhar tanta coisa boa

Podes visitar o meu blog tambem quando quiseres.. és muito bem vindo

Um abraço

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Owing to Groupon's market presently currently being mainly composed of feminine consumers, the delivers are often concentrated on the nicely being, overall health and fitness and elegance marketplaces.

There are most likely problems with the organization merchandise. For instance, a productive offer could speedily swamp a tiny company with also a great deal of customers, risking a probability that buyers will be dissatisfied, or that there will not be ample merchandise to fulfill the desire. Hole, a large attire retailer, was in a placement to manage 445,000 coupon codes in a national offer (in spite of the simple fact that it seasoned server troubles at one level), but a a lot more compact organization could change into abruptly flooded with consumers. 1 certain espresso shop in Portland, Oregon struggled with an boost in customers for 3 months, when it promoted near to 1,000 Groupons on the one particular operating day it was offered, in accordance to a single report. In response to related issues, Groupon officers condition that 'deal' subscriptions want to be capped in progress to a cost-effective sum.

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